eloRezo always on standby...
Innovation and creativity are our driving force!
As experts in social media training and support, we are always on the lookout for the latest trends and market developments to offer you innovative solutions.
Our matrix "The Social Business Model" is the result of an analysis of the needs of our customers. It allows our customers to optimize their actions in a personalized way and to achieve their objectives on social networks.
Through a participatory and human workshop, we co-create your Social Business Model®️.
Thus, you build a complete action plan based on the 3 pillars of Social Business: Content, Animation and Audience.
For us, the theory is integrated into the operational, for this reason this action plan is systematically linked to our training.
Our bi-lingual experts (French / English) are at your disposal in person or remotely to animate this work in the four corners of the world.
eloRezo invented the Social Business Model®
How to organize your project?
Understand the power of the Social Business Model®
eloRezo offers you 45 min of free MasterClass